Thursday, May 24, 2012

Match 'em up, ladies & gentlemen.

Want to show everyone that you know exactly what you are doing, when it comes to dressing yourself? Well, that's easy. Just match your tights and shoes or trousers and shoes. Done! This trend isn't new (not by a long shot), but it appears to be hanging on, well into next year. In addition to the classic black on black, though, you can also mix it up. Red on red, buck on buck, charcoal on charcoal, chartreuse on chartreuse, hell...whatever you want. Do it.

-The Mormon


  1. nice advise, love the tights!

  2. Linda, I'm sure you already know, by the tone of the post, but I LOVE THIS TREND! I agree...the tights are great.

    -The Mormon
